This research explores Chinua Achebe’s Civil Peace’s optimism which plays a crucial role, particularly in the way the protagonist, Jonathan Iwegbu, navigates post-war Nigeria. Achebe's portrayal of optimism is deeply intertwined with resilience, the human spirit, and the desire for stability in the aftermath of destruction. It also focuses on the present circumstances, the importance of community and family, the value of peace and stability, and hope in small things. Moreover, the story tackles key ideological factors in civil peace. Michel Foucault’s theory of ideology is going to be applied to this study; in addition to some thoughts of a deconstructive approach. The research examines the struggle for identity in Achebe’s Civil Peace, post-waridentity in a changing society, personal vs. collective identity, and the conflict between hope and despair. The type of language is going to be investigated in this study.
مجلة كرونيكا - 25-21-Feb